It’s the little things … about moi

30 Mar

I’m linked up with the little things we do today for a fill-in-the-blank Friday. As always, pick a blank and fill it in in the comments! (Click on any of the images to be taken to that item on Etsy.)

My greatest strength is my ability to listen. I think I have a pretty good ear, and when a friend will come to me with any issues, I like to be able to help. Also, I can quack like a mother. (Or rather, like a two-bit imitation Donald.)

My greatest weakness is I’m messy. Also, the amount of empathy I have for others is too much. I think empathy is a good thing, but I honestly wish I had less.

People always compliment me on my hair. A girl in high school used to tell me I could do a Pantene Pro-V commercial. She sat behind me in chorus and always used to play with my hair.

Frankly, I always wished my hair looked like this. Redheads are hot.

If you found me procrastinating, you’d probably find me reading. Or playing on Etsy.

The most cozy place in all the world is my bed. Sometimes it’s coziest when I’m in there alone with all its queen-sizeness to my sweet self. Sometimes it’s coziest when Jeff’s in there, laughing at me because I’m always cold, and I always marvel that he’s always toastily warm. (I’ve joked that I’m vampire before it was cool to be a vampire. I swear I have less blood than I should.)

Something new that I tried recently was making my own guacamole. It was delicious. I will be making it again, with a touch more spices.

This weekend I would like to see “The Hunger Games” at The Cinema Grill. I’ve not read the book, but I imagine at some point, the characters will be hungry. I would like to have a chicken sandwich to offer them should this occur.

4 Responses to “It’s the little things … about moi”

  1. Ally March 30, 2012 at 10:27 am #

    If I walked away from the blog world today, you would be very, very high on my list of people I would miss. I love reading these about you and going, “me, too!” I’m always cold and have WAY too much empathy. I can get lost in books forever. Getting lost in books in my cozy bed with extra blankets, is the best. 🙂

    • Jaclyn March 31, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

      Oh, you’re awesome! Thanks, Ally 🙂

  2. exlayvision March 30, 2012 at 6:11 pm #

    You called him by his name! Not the beau! Accident?!?!

    Also, I really enjoyed the Hunger Games but am interested to hear what someone who’s not read the book will think…

    • Jaclyn March 30, 2012 at 6:19 pm #

      Ha! I do call him “the beau” all the time, don’t I? I don’t mind using his name … but “The beau” seems more obvious than having to always clarify, “Jeff, my boyfriend.” I hope with the context that was clear … I suppose it could be mistaken for like, “Jeff, the mail carrier” or “Jeff, the candlestick maker.”

      And when I see the flick, I’ll shoot you an e-mail!

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